Do your children know who YOUR grandparents were? Do your children know what their grandparents and great Grandparents went through, for you & them to be here today?

You may have heard your grandparent’s stories but have your children?

Consider privately commissioned Holocaust memoirs – published exclusively for your family.

Shimon will convert your family’s legends, recollections, and elder’s stories into an all-encompassing family legacy book.

During a process of six months to a year Shimon can interview the key family members; the Patriarchs, and Matriarchs to write down their unique life experiences and not to be forgotten stories. Using archival research, live interviews and family photographs, Shimon canĀ  weave your ancestral stories & legends into a beautiful family heirloom.

To inquire with Shimon Y. Z. Sporn about commissioning a memoir for your family, email shimon.sporn at